“Latakko” has been donating money to the Children’s Hospital through the charity campaign “Tires with the heart” for the six years already

The charity campaign “Tires with the heart” organized by “Latakko” Ltd. has been carried out for six years now and has become a tradition in the network of tire centers “Key Point”. During the campaign, 1.50 EUR from each sold set of summer tires has been donated to the Children’s Clinical University Hospital.

During these six years, “Latakko” Ltd., together with customer donations, has donated more than 66 thousand euros to the Children’s Clinical University Hospital, which was used to purchase equipment for new-born children and intensive therapy.

Thanks to this donation, that is, to each driver who purchased a set of summer tires, and thanks to the selfless work of doctors, it is possible to help to an even larger number of children every year.

For six years the slogan of the charity campaign “Tires with the heart” has been “It is easy to help”, because together we can accomplish great things. Also, earlier this year, the hospital doctors expressed their gratitude for our contribution and mentioned that the equipment we donated last year saved the lives of four new-born children! Wow! We are inexpressibly grateful to all the participants who made this possible.


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